In January 2024, Canada officially joined the Hague Apostille Convention, a significant international treaty aimed at simplifying the process of authenticating public documents for use abroad. The Convention, formally known as the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, streamlines the often cumbersome and time-consuming legalization process. For years, Canadians faced intricate procedures when dealing with international documents, and the adoption of the Apostille Convention was heralded as a measure to save time and money. However, as we move into May 2024, the anticipated benefits have not materialized as expected. Instead, Canadians are experiencing increased delays and higher costs, particularly from Global Affairs Canada.

The Promise of the Hague Apostille Convention

The Apostille Convention, established in 1961, aimed to facilitate the movement of public documents between countries by replacing the traditional and complex chain of authentication with a single certificate: the Apostille. This certificate, issued by a competent authority in the document's country of origin, is intended to be recognized by all other signatory states, eliminating the need for further legalization.

For Canadians, joining the Convention promised several advantages:

  1. Simplified Processes: The Apostille would streamline the authentication of documents such as birth certificates, court orders, and academic diplomas for use in other countries.
  2. Cost Savings: By reducing the steps required for document legalization, both individuals and businesses were expected to save on administrative and service fees.
  3. Time Efficiency: Faster processing times were anticipated, allowing for quicker international transactions and fewer delays.

Reality: Increased Delays and Costs

Despite the optimistic outlook, the reality has been starkly different. As of May 2024, Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the primary authority responsible for issuing Apostilles, has reported apostille processing times exceeding four months. This significant delay is causing frustration and financial strain for many.

Causes of Delays

  1. Surge in Applications: The implementation of the Apostille system led to an initial surge in applications, overwhelming the existing infrastructure.
  2. Administrative Transition: Shifting from the traditional legalization process to the Apostille system involved significant administrative changes, which have taken time to implement effectively.
  3. Resource Constraints: GAC has faced resource constraints, including staffing shortages and budget limitations, exacerbating the backlog.

Financial Implications

In addition to delays, Canadians are facing higher costs associated with the new system:

  1. Increased Government Fees: Many provinces have raised their fees for issuing documents that require an Apostille. This increase is partly attributed to the administrative costs of transitioning to the new system.
  2. Additional Service Charges: Due to longer processing times, individuals and businesses often resort to expedited services or third-party agencies, incurring additional expenses.
  3. Economic Impact on Businesses: Companies involved in international trade or requiring frequent document authentication are particularly hard-hit, facing delays in transactions and increased operational costs.

Impact on Citizens and Businesses


For ordinary Canadians, the delays and increased costs are more than just inconveniences; they affect important aspects of daily life. For instance, students needing authenticated diplomas for foreign universities, couples requiring marriage certificates for immigration purposes, and families handling estate matters abroad all face significant hurdles. The longer processing times can disrupt plans, delay important decisions, and add unnecessary stress.


Canadian businesses, especially those engaged in international trade, are experiencing operational disruptions. Delayed document processing affects contract timelines, supply chain management, and compliance with foreign regulations. For industries such as manufacturing, legal services, and education, the financial and operational impacts are substantial. The increased costs also eat into profits, affecting competitiveness in the global market.

Government Response and Future Outlook

In response to the growing concerns of citizens and businesses, our hope is the Canadian government will acknowledge the issues and take steps to address them. Measures should include increasing staff at Global Affairs Canada, improving the efficiency of administrative processes, and investing in technology to expedite document processing. However, we understand these solutions take time to implement, and the immediate outlook remains challenging.


Canada's decision to join the Hague Apostille Convention was driven by the promise of streamlined processes, reduced cost to significant delays and increased expenses for both citizens and businesses. While the government is taking steps to address these issues, the road to realizing the full benefits of the Apostille system remains long and complex. Canadians hope that, in time, the system will deliver on its original promises, but for now, patience and adaptation are essential.